Android Projects

Android Project Github Link

For my andorid projects, I worked with different features such as touch controls, using APIs from other websites, camera, asking user for permission, sharing, and others. I coded the projects through Android Studio using API 29. I will feature some gifs of the projects I did and explain them. You are free to test the program by clicking the above button to navigate to my github page.

Project Source: Newspaper

One of the first things I want to demonstrate is using an API that allows me to look for information by typing a word in the search bar. Using JSON, I'm able to get the name of the author, website, and description of an article that talks about 'movies'. As shown in the gif, you can easily scroll down for any website that interests you. If you click the 'read more' button, it will navigate you to the website of the source.

Project Source: OperationX

Using I allow the user to notify any person through their gmail contacts if anyone was interested in trying out the email. By clicking the name of a person, you are directed to gmail to share a presetted email.

Project Source: OperationX

I provided a way to navigate through the levels by listing them vertically. Using arraylists and listview, I was able to list the name of the level and a picture of it. Furthermore, I implemented a drag option for the player to move I used a Timer scheduled on a fixed rate in order to make the player move around through a Canvas.

Project Source: OperationX

I provided a 'How to Play' menu for the player to use in order to figure out what items to use against the enemies displayed on screen. In addition, I provided a pause menu in order to exit or resume from the game by changing fragments to view another part of the app.

Project Source: OperationX

As I mentioned before, I used a Timer to animated the sprites, and it can be seen a little better on this level. The plane is moving by itself horizontally, and it's the player's goal to move up and down while using its available resources on the bottom.

This is just a quick demonstration of some of the projects I worked on. If you click here, it should navigate you to my android project folder. Under the readme text file, it should guide you to a dropbox where I have stored my android projects. You are free to download them and run them through Android Studio.